Site Administrator Account Setup

Refer to Account Setup Overview for more information on the features that are related to the site administrator account. If the parameters are grayed-out, then the locked global parameters are being used. Contact Track Coordinator for more information.

Create a new site administrator account

  1. Hover a mouse pointer over the Tool menu link to display its drop-down menu

  2. Click New Account to open the New Account Wizard.


  3. Click Next to open the Account Type screen.


  4. Click the Site Administrator button.

  5. Click Next to open the Password Settings screen.


  6. Select a password combination for the new site administrator account from the Character Combinations list box.

  7. Click the Minimum Password Length drop-down list then select a number for a minimum password length.

  8. Click the Minimum Login ID Length drop-down list then select a number for a minimum login user name length.

  9. The password history is the number of previous passwords that are retained. Enter a number for the password history to be retained into the Password History text box.

  10. The password age is the number of days that a password exists before the user can change his/her password again. If the password age has not been reached and the user tries to change his/her password, then the message displays, Password age limitation enforced. You can change your password after [a defined number of] days. Enter a number of days for the password age into the Password Age text box.

  11. Click Next to open the Expiration Settings screen.


  12. Enter an expiration date into the Expiration Date text box or select an expiration date from the calendar.

  13. Enter a number of days that represents an interval of the required password changes into the Expiration Interval text box.

  14. Click the Expiration Warning drop-down list then select a number of days when Track Admin will warn the user before his/her password expires.

  15. Click the Invalid login attempts allowed before account is locked drop-down list then select a number of times the user is allowed to attempt to log in before his/her account is locked.

  16. Click the Require a new password after the account is locked. checkbox if the user is required to request a new password from Track Administrator.

  17. Click Next to open the Profile Settings screen.


  18. The SITEADMIN profile, in the Pre-defined Track Profiles drop-down list, is selected by default and appears as a read-only field.

  19. Enter additional information into the Extra Account Information 1 or Extra Account Information 2 text box, if applicable.

  20. Click Next to open the Directory Settings screen.


  21. The Directory Settings screen is available for the single sign-on setup. Select a directory user account for the single sign-on feature for Track user from the drop-down list. Otherwise, proceed to step 23.

  22. Enter a directory ID into the Directory ID text box. Refer to Single Sign-On Setup for more information.

  23. Click Next to open the User Information screen.


  24. The site administrator will use this user ID to log in to the Track Admin application. Enter a login ID into the Track User ID text box.

  25. Enter a password into the Password text box.

  26. Enter the same password into the Confirm Password text box.

  27. Click the Next link. There are several results that may occur after the Next link is selected.

  1. The site administrator may have access to one or more locations. From the Location Options screen, click only the checkboxes next to the locations that the user is allowed to have access to.

  2. Click Next to open the last screen, displaying the new site administrator account setup information.


  3. Click Finish to save the new site administrator account and return the Accounts screen. The new site administrator account and its information appear in the grid.